11 Things to do with your Baby 0 – 6 Months!
Searching for interesting activities to do with your baby?
It always makes for a fun and interesting day when we can add some activities into our babies life.
When we had my first baby
we often struggled as to what activities or games we could play with him.
Most days consisted of a circuit of the following: baby up, feed, change under the play mat, sit in the bouncer and then nap time.
Then at around four months of age, it got exciting!! We got to introduce the exercauser, walker thingy, and the jolly jumper to the circuit. Now after having three babies, five years down the track, and after plenty of research and internet browsing, we have definitely got a few more activities to help keep our little one entertained.
Benefits of playtime with baby
There are so many great reasons why baby play is important. A few reasons include:
- It helps to create emotional security for your little one
- Play helps to build growth and strength
- Develops self-confidence
- Builds emotions
- Engages the senses (Sight, smell, taste, feel)
- Helps to develop fine motor skills
So if you are finding it difficult to add variety to your baby’s day here are 11 things that you can add into yours and your baby’s day!
Baby playtime activities
Dancing and Music
What a great combination. Have your little one against your body with your baby’s head on your shoulder. Sway gently or step rhythmically around the room to the music and sing along with it. Remember always to support baby’s head. You could lay baby on a soft mat and play with baby’s legs in time to the music or run a soft blanket gently over the baby’s face and body.
Roll a bottle
Fill a clear plastic bottle halfway with water and screw the lid on tightly as possible. Your baby may enjoy watching you roll it around on the floor. You could also fill the bottle with food colouring, glitter, pom pom balls to create different effects. Check lids often to ensure they are screwed on tightly.
Familiar faces
Babies learn quite quickly to recognise the faces of people. Encourage this by collecting photos and talking about them. Put the photographs in a small album and look at them regularly. Point out the different faces to your baby and say the name of each person – make sure to have photos of the baby too.
Young babies seem to enjoy this game. Our baby loves it, and we can always get a smile or chuckle out of him. Pop your face out from behind your hands. Try playing it with a toy by moving it behind something then making it reappear. Talk while playing peek-a-boo say “hello” when the toy comes out and “goodbye” when it hides. Look surprised when the toy reappears. This can be such a fun game!
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Play with baby’s toes
Playing with baby’s feet and toes can be a good distraction, and it can often be a way to get some super cute smiles. After a nappy change and while the baby is still lying down gently kiss, tickle and blow raspberries on your little one’s feet.
Out and about
Babies enjoy going outside. The change of scene can be ideal for baby, and some babies seem to like just being in the open air. Having a picnic outside can be a great idea – find a shady spot under a tree, place down a big soft blanket and let baby lie and look around. Don’t forget sunscreen and a hat.
Baby gyms/Play mat
Are good at entertaining babies who can’t sit up yet. I have found that the best way to keep baby busy is to change the hanging objects regularly. You don’t need to go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff, a lot of things you already may have in your home. So, instead of toys, you could try hanging other exciting and safe objects like plastic spoons, socks filled with noisy paper(tie the end up and hang with string) or black and white shape cards like the ones I have made here Elle Cherie – Black and White Shapes
Mirror time
Babies seem to be quite fascinated with faces especially their own. Spend time holding your baby in front of a mirror, point, smile, make faces or wave and wait for your baby’s reaction. If the baby is having tummy time place a mirror close by but in a safe place for baby to look at themselves.
Once the baby is a couple of months old, you could show them how to roll by gently rolling baby over onto their tummy and then back on to their back. Make sure your baby is on a soft surface. Once the baby seems interested in trying to roll by themselves, place a toy just out of reach to encourage baby to move towards it.
Sing songs
Many babies enjoy being sung too. There are lots of songs out there that you can sing while interacting with your little one. Head, shoulders, knees and toes is a favourite in our house. Other songs with actions are Hickory Dickory dock (tickle baby as the mouse runs up and down the clock), If your happy and you know it (clap baby’s hands, wiggle baby’s feet, tickle baby’s tummy), Twinkle Twinkle little star(wiggle your fingers over baby’s head for them to watch) and the Incy wincy spider (little tickle movements up and down baby’s body to the song).
Read books
Babies love being read too. I find books with big bright pictures in them is what captures my baby’s attention. It is also a nice chance to have some quiet one on one time together.
That was my list of 11 activities that you can do with your baby to mix up your day. Apart from this giving him variety I find it such a special way to spend time together, and I love getting him to laugh and giggle – that always makes my day!
0-4 Month Baby Settling Techniques To Try!
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Image Source: www.pixababy.com