Tips to get motivated to Spring Clean!
Tips to get you Motivated to Spring Clean
***Updated March 2024
We are dreaming of the sunnier spring weather!
Spring is one of our favourite times of the year! It’s the time of year when the weather becomes warmer, days become longer and we start to think about doing a spring clean.
Therefore, now is an excellent time to start thinking about getting motivated to do a spring clean around the house. So round up your family team members and let’s get started!
When should you start Spring Cleaning?
There is no set perfect time to start your Spring Cleaning. However, many of us feel that when the weather gets warmer it is the perfect opportunity to open all the windows and doors in the house to let the fresh air through.
If you have young children, you may find it easier to set aside some time during the school year, when the kids are out of the house to perform this task. Alternatively – get them on board and create an awesome team spirit amongst everyone to get your jobs finished quicker. It may even create some healthy competition between them as to who can be done first!
Doing that alone is one of the best ways to help us get started on our Spring Cleaning Journey.
What holds us up from Spring Cleaning?
The problem we face, and I’m sure many of you will agree, is the lack of motivation to start that spring cleaning or keep the enthusiasm up to finish it! As soon as we think of cleaning the bathroom, or toilet it all just seems like too much hard work!
A common problem that many of us have is a short attention span, so as soon as we check a message on our phone we start getting distracted by flicking through Facebook and Instagram, before we know it half the day is already over.
So, we have figured out a few different ways to start you off in the right direction, boost your mood for cleaning, and to be able to complete it all!
Tips to get you Motivated to Spring Clean Starts Now!
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Set yourself some clear goals
One of the most important factors in achieving better results is if you write down the important tasks and goals that you want to accomplish. How you can start cleaning and find a purpose to do it if you have no idea yourself?
Take the time to write down your measurable goals for your cleaning session this can include, setting aside dedicated time for cleaning and making a to-do list of what you would like to get done. Write down why you want to do a spring clean – is it because you have visitors staying for the weekend, or is it because you feel calmer having the place clean, tidy, and decluttered? Start with small tasks first like getting the laundry started and putting the dishwasher on.
Starting with this small step will get you underway on your cleaning journey.
Open up those windows, doors, and anything else that needs airing!
First thing, it’s a good idea to open all your windows, doors, cupboards, and closets to let that beautiful fresh spring air and positive energy in. Great things happen when your home starts to feel good!
Over winter our homes are often shut up tight and can start to smell musty. Springtime is the perfect time to open everything up and give everything a good airing out. Opening the house up also sets the ‘mood’ for our spring cleaning mission.
Music, who doesn’t love it? We are not talking about the slow, boring stuff that puts you to sleep! We are talking about mood-boosting, get stuff done, positive effect, feel-good music. It is a powerful tool that can not be forgotten about!
If you have Spotify (if you don’t, you seriously need to get it) they have a playlist called “House Cleaning Music” or “Music for Cleaning” Search for these, find the one that suits you best and turn your stereo up and start cleaning, this will create the best work environment to get those floors, sinks, and taps shiny!
Plan for a Sunny Day
If dull, grey days just want to make you stay in bed all day and do not provide a positive working environment then we recommend checking out your local weather website and see what the long-range forecast is going to be – try and schedule your spring cleaning for a day that is predicted to be sunny.
Planning for a sunny day helps boost motivation and also allows you to open the house up to get that fresh air rolling through.
Make a list – Includes Spring Cleaning List
Making a list is an excellent way to follow your cleaning progress. It will always feel like you have a better sense of accomplishment if you can see the things on your list been crossed off and are meeting your daily specific goals for cleaning.
Not sure how to construct a Spring Cleaning list? – We have you sorted
Fresh flowers
Who doesn’t love the look and smell of fresh flowers?!
Pick up some fresh flowers from your local grocery store and place them around your home once you have finished your spring cleaning. Having flowers ready to put out can be a great motivator to get your spring cleaning completed.
Burn some candles
We believe some lovely scented candles can help boost your cleaning mood and is a great way to kick off your self-motivation. After you have opened up your house to let the fresh spring air in, light a candle to create a wonderful cleaning ambience. Friendly reminder: Always ensure your candles are sitting in a safe spot, blow out when you leave the house or don’t want to use them anymore.
Our favourite scents are Yankee Clean Cotton, Vanilla, and anything that smells tropical!
Browse Pinterest
In the lead-up to starting your spring clean, we recommend browsing through Pinterest to find any useful cleaning tips and tricks. A good time to do this is first thing in the morning before you start your cleaning – this will give you the inspiration to get started.
While you are there, search for ideas on how to style a bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom. Search ideas like how to place cushions and accessories in the living room or information on how to make a bed, so it looks super soft and comfy.
Purchase yourself some new Cleaning stuff
What isn’t more motivating to start spring cleaning than with a bunch of new cleaning stuff!!
Check your household cleaning supplies and make a list of all the important stuff you need to complete your spring cleaning. Need some help? Below we have made a list of our favorites from Amazon.
Microfibre Cleaning Cloths – 24 Pack
Your cleaning tool kit definitely needs these ultra-soft and absorbant microfibre cloths. You can use them all over your house and are super affordable.
Spin Mop and Bucket Floor Cleaning System
The spin mop and bucket floor cleaning system is designed to allow hands-free wringing. The microfibre mop removes and absorbs tough dirt and grime.
Mrs Meyers Multi Surface All-Purpose Cleaner
Mrs Meyers multi-surface cleaner is great for making your home sparkling. It’s perfect for everything from the bathroom to the living room, and even the bedroom.
Good Grips Hand Duster
The perfect duster to trap and hold dust. The large duster covers every surface with every wipe and the cloth can easily be removed for washing.
Dyson V8 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner
Dyson is a favorite in many households and offices including ours as it does such a good job! The Dyson V8 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner is the perfect companion for your spring cleaning mission. This vacuum cleaner has been designed to be lightweight with powerful suction. Great for homes with pets and listed at a great price. Get yours in time for spring cleaning.
Deluxe Carry Caddy for Cleaning Products
Make moving around your home simple with this deluxe carry caddy for all of your cleaning products and supplies.
The Complete Book of Clean – Tips and Techniques for your Home
This book by Toni Hammersley from the website A Bowl Full of Lemons is the best guidebook for home cleaning. The complete book of Clean is a favourite in our home because it covers everything to do with cleaning and has some creative ideas. In other words, make this book part of your library collection today – trust us it’s worth it!
Search Cleaning Channels on Social Media and Youtube!
One of our favorite YouTube channels for cleaning is How Jen Does It If you have not seen her videos yet, you need to seriously go and check her out (after you and finished reading this of course). Jen has cleaning videos on all spaces within your home, zone cleaning, and weekly and daily cleaning charts her simple ways are so inspiring. Just watching Jen’s videos alone will provide you with new ideas to spruce your own home up!
Set aside Healthy Snacks to get you through the day
The important thing to remember is to keep yourself well-hydrated and refuelled throughout your cleaning mission with plenty of healthy snacks and the odd treats to give you that little push to keep going. Healthy snacks to have on hand are:
- Carrot sticks
- Mixed nuts
- Greek yogurt and blueberries
- Fruit Slices
- Granola Bars (just make sure they don’t contain too much sugar)
Reward yourself for your spring cleaning efforts
Finally, our last but super important tip for positive outcomes! At the end of the day reward yourself for your good work – you have done a hard job cleaning your home. Therefore, you deserve a treat. So plan for something once you finish whether it be a takeaway dinner that night, or go out for dinner (so you don’t mess up your clean kitchen).
A new outfit, new shoes, when was the last time you had a manicure – above all, having an incentive to get the job started and completed is an easy way to motivate yourself into spring cleaning.
How did you get on – have you got any motivational spring cleaning tips?
We would love to know – add a comment below!
Don’t forget to save this post to your cleaning board on Pinterest!
Love these! It may be fall where I live but I can always do a little ‘fall’ cleaning xo
Elle Cherie
Absolutely! I always need some motivation to do cleaning no matter what season it is 🙂
Linda Hobden
Music all the way – I love ironing for a few hours in the bedroom with my favourite cheesy tunes blaring out! Makes the ironing chore lots of fun – especially as I’m a mum of 5 too! 😊
Elle Cherie
Yes I totally agree about using music when ironing – definitely can make that chore more fun. 🙂
Ernest Williams
I was thinking about to cleaning my house. But I couldn’t set my work plan that’s why I was searching some tips. After reading your article, I was successful to set my work plan which was beneficial to me to complete the work. Thanks for sharing this article.
Shirsty A
Spring cleaning is my least favorite time of the year. Last year I got so fed up cleaning outside that I just scheduled carpet cleaning and paid a little bit extra to save myself the time and headache of more work. I am committed to being more organized this year and doing all of the work myself. Thanks for the tips. I do feel a little more motivated after reading your blog, so thanks.