Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Tips!
Postpartum Hair Loss Tips
Have you experienced this at all? How bad/good was it for you?
My story goes like this……
It was about 3 months after I had my first baby and I had no idea there was even such a thing, no one had told me about it, I had not read it anywhere – not even in all the baby magazines I was addicted to. Even at our baby classes – it just wasn’t mentioned.
So when I was finding a lot of hair amongst my bed…
and all on the floor, clogging up the vacuum cleaner and shower, I freaked out, I panicked and had all sorts of things racing through my mind!! My husband even said, “I think you need to go to the doctor – that’s a lot of hair!”
Thankfully the next day I had a Mums coffee group catch up and halfway through morning tea one of the girls piped up and said “is anyone else’s hair falling out?” a few of us said YES???!!! so I felt instant relief (that A. I didn’t have some random disease making my hair fall out, and B. others were going through it too).
3 months post-pregnancy – its that time!
So for others out there that are experiencing this here are some of my tips to hopefully help you out.
First things first – what is post-pregnancy hair loss, and why does it happen?
Pregnancy hormones keep hair from falling out, hence why we have such lush, beautiful hair during pregnancy; however, once you have had your baby and your hormones drop so does all that extra hair.
How long does Postpartum hair loss last?
As mentioned above the hair will start to shed around 3 months post-pregnancy – it will last a few months with many women returning to their usual hair growth after 6 – 12 months. You will start to see lots of small tiny hairs (sometimes annoying) hairs begin to grow.
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What can I do about Postpartum Hair Loss?
Here are our 5 top tips to help you manage your Postpartum hair loss.
1, Use a wide-tooth comb
A wide-tooth comb like the one above was what I found to be the easiest thing on the hair, and it didn’t feel like it was ripping out all my hair. It is much gentler than using a brush.
Try to Avoid vigorous hair brushing and just go easy with the combing!
2, Tell your hairdresser about your hair loss
When you sit in your hairdresser’s chair tell them immediately about your post-pregnancy hair loss and get them to give you ideas on how to manage your hair. If you have long hair – often giving it some texture will make it look thicker. Your hairdresser will perhaps advise of a cut or trim to help your hair stay looking lush.
3, Food and water
Eat well, keep up that water intake and also try a prenatal vitamin supplement or a supplement specifically for hair like Sugarbear Hair Vitamins
4, Headbands, scarves and bandannas
Stock your wardrobe with a range of headbands, scarves and bandannas. These can be a great way to disguise hair loss, and if you get yourself a few different colours, you will have no trouble matching something to your outfit of the day!
5, Try using a specific type of shampoo to add volume.
I tried a product called Phytolium Shampoo for thinning hair. It was a super runny shampoo, but it did magically make my hair feel thicker. Try blow drying your hair or using rollers to give it some oomph!
Have you got Post Pregnancy Hair Loss tips to share?
We hope these tips help – what things did you try? We would love to hear from you on this issue!
Save this article to your post-pregnancy boards on Pinterest!
0-4 Month Baby Settling Techniques To Try!
I remember when my hair started falling out! I immediately thought I wasn’t eating enough, and my son was draining all my nutrients because I was breastfeeding. It was SO. MUCH. HAIR.
Honestly, it’s a wonder I didn’t go bald haha :p
Great tips!! Thank you so much for sharing <3
Elle Cherie
I hear ya – I seriously thought I was going to go bald – it really scared me. Thanks for your comments 🙂