8 Tips To Get you on Track to a Healthy and Energized Life!
Do you need some motivation to take control of your life?
Are you searching the internet trying to find ways to help you get a more healthy and energized life?
Now is the time!
The time has come to pull out (or get new) exercise gear and dust off the workout shoes. It’s not just about losing weight, though, for many people, it’s about having more energy, feeling better, be fitter and stronger to keep up with their children or the demands of life!
So if you feel the same, here are 8 things to help you to stay motivated, keep focused and committed to getting a healthy life back on track!
1, Get new workout gear and a pair of new exercise shoes.
If it has been a while, you may need to invest in some new workout clothes. I find this an excellent way to motivate myself and I feel that since I bought the stuff, I need to use it!
2, Music.
I love Spotify, and seriously if you do not have it – get it! They have the best (In my opinion) choice of genres and moods. There is a workout category which has something to suit all. Music is a great motivation tool. Use it when you workout, going for a walk or run. It is a great way to zone out from your busy life!
3, Finding an activity you will enjoy.
There is no point doing something if you hate it and don’t look forward to it. I like walking. I grab my music, pop on the headphones and just walk. For me, this gives me a nice time out, and I always feel better afterward.
Other fun things could be finding a dance class, a yoga class or another exercise class of some sort. Join a gym if you have time. Some gyms offer a babysitting service.
You could try a new activity such as bike riding, running, swimming, skipping or a sports club – there are so many options!
4, Good food choices.
I know what food is good for me and not so good but temptation always sucks me in, and I always pick the not so good stuff….and I have a sweet tooth, not the best when trying to get in shape.
So, if you are like me and want to try to keep this under control try calorie counting. In the past, this has helped me make sensible food choices while trying to reach my goals. You can always have the odd treat as long as it’s within your calorie budget.
There are so many great apps that you can have on your phone. I like to use Noom Coach – just the free version. You enter in some details, and it will work out your daily calorie budget. Then you need to log everything you eat, and the app will calculate your calories as you go.
I find the first day or two of logging quite time-consuming, but once you get the hang of it, it does get easier and quicker. Noom Coach also has most food items listed in its app and if it doesn’t you can just quickly add it.
5, Increase your water intake.
Drinking more water is something I always struggle doing. It can be so hard keeping track of how much water you drink especially if you have full on busy days.
Pinterest has some great ideas to keep up the water intake including one of my favourites – flavored water. A simple solution that can make water taste great. All you do is add some fruit, cucumber or mint to the water. Give it a go and see if it helps with your water intake.
6, Get the family on board!
A support network is so important; they can motivate and encourage you to keep focused on your goals.
Your support group can cheer you on and help you if you’re feeling down.
7, Have something to look forward too.
I love to have an incentive to work towards, otherwise, I get halfway through and think “what’s the point?!?” So, set yourself some small incentive goals to reach that will keep you focused and motivated. Incentives may include a:
- Full body massage
- New hair do
- Relaxing facial
- A piece of jewelry
Arrange a big incentive for your last goal that will make it all the more exciting and worthwhile such as a:
- Weekend away
- Night out getting dressed up wearing something new
- Dinner and a show
- Or maybe it will be to wear a bikini by the end of summer
Whatever the incentive is, ensure that it will help you reach your ultimate final goal!
8, Remembering to stay positive.
No doubt there will be bad days where you don’t eat right, drink hardly any water or don’t exercise, however, you need to remember that it’s okay and you can start again the next day.
Knowing that you are doing something great for yourself is something to be proud of. Just remember that it won’t happen overnight, but with determination and positivity, it will happen!
What things inspire you to get into shapes? What motivates you to keep going? I would love to know so please leave a comment down below.
As with any change in diet or exercise it is best to consult your doctor first – just to be on the safe side.
Don’t forget to save this post to your Life board on Pinterest!
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Image Source: www.pixabay.com