5 Homemade gift ideas for someone special!
Homemade gifts are always fun to make!
Sometimes we don’t need to spend extravagant amounts of money to make the perfect gift. All we need is patience and some crafting material. Homemade gifts can often be the key to someone’s heart due to the fact that you have spent time and effort thinking about that person while making the gift up.
Homemade gift ideas made simple
Today we have a list of homemade gift ideas that you could make for that someone special in your life.
52 Reasons why I love you
This one is where you write on 52 pieces of card or paper reasons why you love your special someone. A few ideas include:
I love you because you are always there for me
I love that you let me be me
I love that you are not afraid of what others think
I love that you make me feel positive when I’m feeling negative
I love that you never forget important days
I love that you love me
I love that you take care of me when I’m not feeling well
You can also include fun ones:
I love that you make me hot drinks all the time
I love the way you smell
I love that you will watch girly movies with me
I love that you love Thai food
……you get the idea?
Open when letters
Have you heard of these? First of all, I think these are quite neat especially as they can last awhile. For this, you need a few envelopes and a few different items to add to it.
Below is a list of categories for each envelope and what you can include:
Open When You:
Are sick: Include a get well card, some tissues, throat lollies, panadol and a lemon sip sachet.
Want to take a walk down memory lane: Include a story of your version about your life together so far. List all your first – first kiss, first dance, first meal together. Put in photos of when you first met and add a voucher to visit the first place that you went on a date.
Miss me: Include a letter of how much you miss that person, place a photo of you in the envelope and spray your perfume/aftershave on a piece of paper.
Are bored: Include stories to read, puzzles, crosswords and Sudoku or anything that might entertain someone.
Stressed: Include some bubble wrap, a motivational letter telling the person how awesome they are and some chocolate.
Are mad at me: Include a sorry letter, some dried flowers, a photo of you with your arms open like you are coming in for a hug and some chocolate.
Need reminding of why I love you: Include a letter of why you fell in love with that person and what makes them special.
Need reminding what a great Dad/Mum you are: Include photos of the kids having fun with that person and let them know with a letter or card what a great mum/dad they are. Get the kids to do drawings of them with that person – or get the kids to write their own story about their mum or dad.
Want a laugh: Include funny photos, funny stories or quotes, anything that will make that person laugh – you know your special person’s personality the most so get things they will enjoy.
If you have any other ideas of things to add to the envelope, then please leave a comment below!
A Movie Pack
A movie pack is a great idea for you and your special person to share together. Include all their favorite treats, bubbles, beer or whatever you fancy. Get microwave popcorn and pick up some little popcorn cartons from places like The Warehouse. Include a DVD that you can both watch together.
Scrapbook of Photos
Put together a photo storybook from when you first started going out to the present day. You could add funny quotes and also stories of cool things that have happened. Include pictures of your favourite places you would hang out and your first car or house together. Make sure to include your first pet together.
Homemade Clock
This is quite a neat one! You can get the actual clock mechanisms from electronic stores – or just take it out of an old clock. You could then stick a photo of that person, the two of you or your family to represent each of the hours. Here’s a picture of one that was made for me.
Finally, I hope this has given you a few ideas if you decide to go down the crafting route for gifts. Sometimes the best presents are the ones that we spend time on rather than a whole bunch of money!
Check out my other post on Relationships here!
Don’t forget to save this post to your gifts board on Pinterest!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More
I love that homemade clock idea! how cute!
Elle Cherie
Yes I LOVE my homemade clock my Husband and kids did a great job making that one! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and your comments!