14 Epic DIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
DIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas to make your loved one shine!
It is that time of year when love is in the air, and we start to think about the perfect Valentine’s day gift for that special someone in our lives.
Valentine’s day falls on the 14th of February every year, and for many of us, we are just getting over the overspending of Christmas. Therefore we don’t want to be spending hundreds of dollars on a gift for our loved ones.
So, today we have done the research for you and come up with 14 of the best DIY Valentine’s Day gift ideas so you can make your loved one feel special on Valentines Day.
What is Valentine’s Day mean anyway?
Valentine’s day is all about love! It is celebrated on the 14th of February every year and is a popular way for couples to celebrate the love they have for one another…aww so sweet!
Valentine’s day is usually associated with red hearts, flowers, candy, red roses or sweet, honest words.
Let’s get started
Let’s waste no more time on the fluff, we haven’t got long until the day is about to fall upon our loved up couples.
14 Epic Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
52 Reason’s why I love you Cards
This is a super cute idea and a way to express your feelings about your loved one in so many ways. Grab some card from your local craft shop and cut down to your required size. Then on each card, write one thing that you love about your partner and continue until you have 52 cards. I give more ideas on what you can write here.
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A Memory Box
Perhaps you have been together for a few years and within those years have made some fantastic memories! A memory box would be a great idea to share how much you love your partner.
You could grab a box like this one from Amazon
Once you have your box, you can then add special items that represent that both of you as a couple. This could include things such as:
- A map of where you met
- Menus from where you had your first meal together
- Tickets from a concert you saw together
- Photographs
- Cd of your favourite songs
- A letter you may have written or received from one another
Date Ideas in a Jar
This one is a super cool idea! Research a range of date ideas for your area, write them down and add them to a jar. When its date night pull out one of the pieces of paper, and that will be your activity for the evening.
Create your own personalised Valentine’s Day gift box
You can not go wrong with a personalised Valentines day gift box! Grab a cute box from your local craft store. Then collect all of your partner’s favourite items, including, chocolate, drinks, perfume or aftershave and books. Place them in the box, and you have just created a romantic personalised Valentine’s day gift box!
Open When Letters
Open when letters are so romantic! This DIY Valentines Day gift idea is a bit more time consuming, but it is worth it when you see your loved ones face when they open an envelope.
I go into more details on the Open When Letters in this post here.
DIY Photo Book
You can easily make your own unique photo book in scrap paper form, or you can do one online via Snapfish.
There are plenty of online places that you can create a special and personalised Photo Book for your loved one. They usually have a sale on making these books super affordable.
If you want to make your own scrapbook photo book head to your local craft shop to pick up supplies such as paper, cardboard, stickers and glue and start creating a book about your time together.
You can also pick up scrapbook kits like this one to make the job easier.
Create a jar of Kisses
Who wouldn’t love a jar of kisses – especially those dreamy, delicious chocolate ones!!! Yes I mean grab a jar, fill it with Hershey Kisses and add a ribbon and tag with something along the lines of “All my kisses are for you” Or “When you need a kiss, and I am not here.”
DIY Photo in a bottle
You can get these super cute little glass bottles with a cork top from craft stores or discount shops. Using the small bottles add a string onto the cork and attach a picture of you and your partner to the string.
Next, place the photo in the bottle and seal it up. This is a decor item that you can add to any bookshelves or place on a night table.
Tinkerabout has a great little tutorial you can follow for this DIY
Make your own Valentine’s Day Card with Vouchers
Sometimes you don’t need anything else apart from a homemade card with lovely, honest and heartfelt words.
This is an easy DIY that can be done in under a 1 hour and will make your Valentine’s day!
Who doesn’t love getting vouchers! Make some homemade ones that might include a foot rub, back rub, or perhaps you can arrange a bath. If you are lost for ideas, be sure to search on Pinterest!
Prepare a Valentines Day Picnic
You don’t have to provide an actual gift item. A great idea is to give your partner a card in the morning telling them how much you love them and to be ready at midday for a surprise.
Meanwhile – spend the morning creating the perfect Valentine’s day picnic lunch. You could include items like:
- Cheese
- Crackers
- Fruits
- Club sandwiches
- Salads
- Wine/Beer (if you both don’t need to go back to work)
- Sparkling grape juice
- Chocolate
- Cupcakes
Don’t forget the picnic blanket!
Photo Frame of First!
I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it would make a lovely Valentine’s day gift. You simply grab a frame and include map snippets of places you did things first. For example:
- Where you first met
- The site you had your first Date
- First Held Hands
- The location you share your first kiss
- First Dance location
- Where you bought your first home together
- First Anniversary
You add each item to your photo frame with the small map indicating the area that ‘first’ happened. So Romantic!!!
A Homemade Movie Pack
Grab a cute basket like this one from Amazon
Add to it a selection of delicious popcorn, candy, chocolates and something to drink. Then add a DVD movie that you would like to watch together! Simple but a way to spend some much needed time together.
Flax Flowers
If you want to step out of your comfort zone and make some DIY flowers try making flax flowers. Click here to see the full step by step guide on how to make these beautiful flowers that will impress your loved one.
Simply Say it with Words
Finally, If you are running out of time and your partner simply has everything in the world, so you do not need to buy more items then simply say how much you love (or Like) them with words! Write a heartfelt letter, come up with a poem or riddle or make a card that tells your partner you love them!
Make your Valentine’s Day Special
In conclusion whatever you do for your Valentine’s don’t forget to let the special person in your life know how much they mean to you and please ….please spend some time off your devices. These days people get so caught up on social media and the news that they forget to spend the time with people who are right there and really matter!
Have a wonderful Valentines Day!
Don’t forget to save this Pin to your Valentines Day Board!