13 Ways you can save money or make money from home!
13 Genius ways you can save money or make money from home!
Life can be expensive
When you add in bills, family, food and pets you come to feel that your tossing money left right and centre with nothing left at the end of the month!
As a full time stay at home, mum…
I always seem to be seeking ways to either make money or save money while I am at home with my, kids and I’m sure I am not the only one in the world doing that!
The internet makes it so easy for us to want more!
With the internet around and it been so much more accessible these days, it is very easy to find items to want to purchase. Even just going onto Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, and seeing what someone else has can make us want more and spend more.
So, for those of you seeking ways to either save money or make money
Keep reading as I have compiled a list of 13 ways you can save money or make money from home!
1 – Just stop spending it on crap!
I know this is so much easier said than done, but when you are looking to purchase something, ask yourself, is this a want or a need? Do I need new shoes because I don’t have any and my feet are cold OR do I want new shoes because they look so pretty and will look amazing sitting on my shelf in my wardrobe? Ask yourself, When will I use this? Do I really love this or just buying it because it’s the latest trend?
2 – Meal Plan
During the weekend, set some time aside to meal plan! You don’t have to do this for every meal but make sure you do it for your evening ones. When you have nothing planned for dinner, it is so easy to just call up and get takeaways, or dine out somewhere. Meal planning takes away the worry of not having anything sorted and prevents money been spent on expensive takeaways.
FREE GIFT – get your free printable meal planner menu here. Simply print off and fill out each week.
3 – Investigate Options
When it comes to power, gas, internet, insurance, phone, and whatever other bills you have, it pays to investigate the different provider options as some are way cheaper than others.
Yes, its hard work to go through all the options, but once you are done this will ultimately save you money in the long run!
4 – Use those fuel vouchers
So many supermarkets now give you a fuel voucher when you spend over so much…USE THEM… don’t bury them in your wallet or at the bottom of your bag. Place them somewhere in your car that you will remember where they are and use them whenever you fill-up.
5 – Sell unwanted items
Have a de-cluttering session and put together a pile of items that you don’t want or need anymore and sell them. List them on eBay, trademe or craigslist (whichever one is your preferred option). Yes, its time consuming to go through and list everything but your home will feel amazing due to the decluttering, and you will appreciate having a little bit of extra money in your wallet.
6 – List items on an online community noticeboard
Do you have an online community noticeboard? Even on Facebook? So many areas have a community group where neighbours can interact, chat, list items or services. Often they will have a section where you can list items to sell – Make use of this option! Another bonus is you more than likely won’t have listing fees to pay either. Look into it!
7 – Hold a garage sale
If you find that you have accumulated so much stuff that you don’t need or want anymore, sort it and hold a garage sale one weekend. Pop some notices up on your community notice board around your streets and even let your neighbours know. This is another great way of decluttering but also popping some much-needed cash in your pocket!
8 – Have a particular skill – use it!
Are you a fantastic gardener, cook, or cleaner? Let your neighbours, friends, online community know! You may be able to pick up jobs gardening, mowing lawns, cleaning houses or cooking for someone on a regular basis.
9 – Arts and Crafts, anyone?
Are you good at Arts, painting, pottery, jewellery making, knitting, making cards, designing wedding invites, crochet, cross-stitch? Head to a local weekly market and sell them, list them on an online community noticeboard, sell them online as mentioned above or see if a local store will stock some for you.
10 – Freelance writing
Have you got a computer? Have you got the internet? You can start freelance writing from the comfort of your own home!!! This is how I started making some extra cash, AND I am not a writer, I have never studied writing, journalism, blogging. I love and can completely swear by a tool that I use called Grammarly to help me out! I got my first writing job on Upwork (more on that below). It pays to put in a few writing examples together and then market yourself on Upwork or Facebook. I will dive into this more in another post soon – so keep an eye out for that, but it is possible!!
11 – Upwork
Have you heard of Upwork? It is an online site where you create a profile, like a CV and can apply for jobs. Upwork is where I started my freelance writing, and it has since opened many doors for me! I found I did have to take on low paying jobs at first to get some experience behind me, but once you take on a few clients and have built up a portfolio, you can then raise your hourly fee.
12 – Become a Virtual Assistant
Have you heard of a Virtual Assistant? Have you got excellent typing skills, organizing skills, accounting, bookkeeping etc.? So many companies are now hiring Virtual Assistants because it works out cheaper for them. Upwork is again, another great place to find Virtual Assistant jobs. So if you have a skill and feel you would become a great Virtual Assistant, this is one to investigate more into.
13 – Learn a new skill
There are so many online courses or even just information online that you can learn a new skill and start using it to make extra cash!
After I had some freelance writing jobs under my belt, I began to look into what else I could do online to make money, and that’s when I came across a Pinterest VA course which I did and it pathed the way to becoming a Pinterest VA for a range of amazing people! If you would like to find out more about this click here now – this can honestly change your future!
Don’t forget to save this post to your money-saving/making Pinterest Board!
How to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant
**This post may contain affiliate links, however, these are only placed here because it is something I love and have used or done before**
I have never heard of upwork or being a VA, so thank you for sharing! I’m a stay at home mum and my bit on the side is running a Airbnb in our gdownstairs guest room! It’s so good to have something extra to help! And all the money saving tips are good ones too – they all work for me 🙂
Elle Cherie
So many people haven’t heard of Upwork but it can definitely be a game changer. Oh running an Airbnb is a great idea! 🙂